September is Suicide Prevention Month: Prepare U is making a difference (Documentary)
By: Prepare U
Every year, suicide takes the lives of more than 44,000 Americans. That's why September has been designated as National Suicide Prevention Month. And it's also why Prepare U is working harder than ever to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and to provide students with the tools they need to cope with stress and anxiety.
Prepare U delivers a unique student experience where research has proven that the evidence based life enhancing tools that students are learnings works. In addition to its regular curriculum, Prepare U also offers easy to implement curriculum for teachers and administrators to support their preadolescent students' mental health.
During Suicide Prevention Month, and throughout the year, Prepare U is committed to ensuring that all students have the skills they need to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Surviving Suicide as A School District Heals
Recently, Prepare U was featured in a documentary about its work in suicide prevention. The film highlighted the important role that educators can play in supporting their students' mental health.
As one teacher featured in the documentary said, "I think a lot of people don't realize how much power we have as educators... We are in a position to really make a difference in kids' lives."
Another teacher featured in the documentary spoke about a particular student who had confided in her about his struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. Thanks to her quick action and the support of her colleagues, that student was able to get the help he needed and is now doing well.
These stories illustrate just how crucial it is for teachers and administrators to be trained in identifying signs of mental illness and knowing how to respond appropriately.
If you are a teacher or administrator who is looking for ways to support your students' mental health, please visit PrepareU.Live for more information about our program offerings.Together, we can make a difference in the fight against suicide.